Sunday, January 24, 2016

Moving to a 'Real Camera'

The iPhone has been a really nice camera, however, throughout using the iPhone as my primary and only camera for six months I am finding limitations. Thus enters a new digital mirrorless camera, aka MILC - Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Camera. An MILC is similar to a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera, but has an electronic or rangefinder type of viewfinder in place of the mirror and pentaprism that gives the MILC a more compact design. In most respects, they're extremely similar: with only a few exceptions, most mirrorless cameras these days are built around the same sized sensors as DSLRs, increasingly have similar lenses available, and can offer the same image quality. If you are curious, refer to this LINK for more information. The camera in use is a Sony A6000 and a variety of lenses, including lens from my antique 35MM film camera through use of an adapter.

As an example, these are two shots taken with the mirrorless digital camera that would be almost impossible using an iPhone camera or other cell phone cameras that do not handle the zoom or depth of field needed for these images. Look for these and others in the January Monthly Photos.

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